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Meet Our Panel Of Chewers

Archie 5 months-2.jpg


Breed: Cavachon

Age: 5.5 months

Star Sign: Virgo

Likes: Archie loves to play with the two little humans in his house as well as his furry friends in the park.  He also really likes to play fetch.  With his good looks and perfect fur, he’s considering a career in dog-modelling.

Chewer Grade: 1/5

Chewing Style: Even with his little pin-like puppy teeth, Archie is a very gentle chewer.  Most chews will last for several sessions as he takes his time which gives his owner much more choice when it comes to long-lasting chews.


Chewer Grade: 4/5

Breed: English Bulldog

Age: 6.5 years

Star Sign: Capricorn

Likes: Betty enjoys her life as a lady of leisure.  Snuggles and cuddles are high on her favourites list, but she also loves to play fetch and tug.  Walkies?  Oh no, not her thing.  She’d much rather burn off the calories playing games.

Chewer Grade: 4/5

Chewing Style: Betty will attempt to swallow anything that is smaller than her face so she generally needs large sized chews that then get passed onto the other girls when they are too small for her.  Chews like tendons etc that get soft with saliva aren’t a great match for her style.  She doesn’t chew them down, she just chews along them and the entire thing gets gross and soggy and she then tries to swallow them.  She is a seasoned chewer and only a few chews are actually ‘long-lasting’ for her.  That being said, due to her ‘bite and swallow’ style, there are a lot of chews that are contraband for her as the risk of injury is just too high!



Breed: Cockapoo

Age:  8 years

Star Sign: Aquarius

Likes: Charlie enjoys the finer things in life and loves to indulge in sun bathing whenever the sun makes an appearance.  His absolute favourite game to play with his mum is middle and he always sneezes when he gets excited which makes his poker face non-existent!

Chewer Grade: 2/5

Chewing Style: Being the gentleman that he is, he has a very soft mouth and takes his time to really enjoy the flavour and then makes sure to clean himself thoroughly afterwards.On the days he is feeling a little like a peacock he will parade around with his chew before settling in to enjoy it.


Breed: French Bulldog

Age: 3 years

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Likes: Daphne is a complicated little bean who has varied interests.  She loves snuggling with her sisters, playing fetch with her favourite ball, or running around an agility course at lightning speed!

Chewer Grade: 3/5

Chewing Style: Daphne will attempt to swallow anything smaller than about half the size of her face and isn’t great at wearing chews like tendons down - but she is getting better as her tolerance of frustration and self control improve, and also takes her time if she is in a different room to the other girls.  She is largely food driven and if the chew delivers deliciousness too quickly, she gets more excited instead of calm so we pick and choose her chews not just based on how long they last, but what emotional effect they have on her.



Breed: Small Crossbreed

Age: 4 years

Star Sign: Scorpio

Likes: Little Pickle is the ultimate adventure dog.  Give her a mountain - she’ll climb it, a river - she’ll cross it, a deer or rabbit - she’ll chase it.  Adventuring is tiring though so she likes to keep up with her self-care so she indulges in a mud bath at least once a week.

Chewer Grade: 3/5

Chewing Style: Pickle is a quiet achiever when it comes to chewing.  She has a very gentle mouth and can be very tentative to begin with, but once she gets going she can demolish a chew faster than expected.  She wears tendons and similar chews down quickly without trying to swallow them whole which is great, but she can demolish certain chews faster than Daphne because of her efficient chewing style.


Breed: Labrador

Age:  2 years

Star Sign: Aries

Likes: Winnie loves nothing more than going for a swim and practicing her bomb diving skills.  She also likes to indulge in any local delicacies that may be on offer on her daily walks.

Chewer Grade: 5/5

Chewing Style: What can we say about Winnie?  The search is on-going for a truly long-lasting chew.  The only thing that slows her down are the really hard chews like antlers and bones.  Nothing else is a match for her jaws!  Her mum describes her chewing style as ferocious, relentless, and a total destroyer.

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